Pulmonale Rehabilitation
Guidelines, Recommendations & Reviews
2011_Puhan MA_Pulmonary rehabilitation following exacerbations of COPD
2013_SGP Guidelines_Diagnosis and Management of COPD
2013_ATS-ERS_statement on pulmonary rehabilitation
2020_Wouters EFM_An update on pulmonary rehabilitation techniques for patients with COPD
2021_Lungenliga Schweiz_COPD Pocket Guide
European Respiratory Society (ERS)
Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD)
Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA)
Körperliche Aktivität / Training
2011_Garber CE_Quantity and Quality of Exercise for Healthy Adults
2013_Gimeno-Santos E_Determinants and outcomes of physical activity
2014_ERS_Statement on physical activity
2019_Frei A_A Novel Approach To Increase Physical Activity
2022_Frei A_Effectiveness of a Long-term Home-Based Exercise Training Program in Patients With COPD
2022_Gloeckl R_Prescribing and adjusting exercise training in chronic respiratory disease
1-Minute Sit-to-Stand Test
2013_Strassmann A_Population-based reference values for the 1-min sit-to-stand test
6-Minute Walk Test
1998_Enright PL_Reference equations for the six-minute walk in healthy adults
2002_ATS Statement_Guidelines for the six-minute walk test
BODE Index
2004_Celli BR_Bode Index
2009_Puhan MA_Expansion of the prognostic assessment of patients with COPD – the updated BODE index and the ADO index
BODE-Index for COPD
The COPD Assessment Test (CAT)
The COPD Assessment Test (CAT)
2014_Frei A_Five comorbidities reflected the health status in patients with COPD
Modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scale (mMRC)
Modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scale (mMRC)
2012_Holland AE_Breathing exercises for COPD
2012_Osadnik CR_Airway Clearance Techniques for COPD
2023_Ammous O_Inspiratory muscle training, with or without concomitant pulmonary rehabilitation, for COPD
Physiotherapie bei chronisch-obstruktiven Atemwegs- und Lungenerkrankungen
Selbstmanagement und Coaching
Besser leben mit COPD
2002_Bourbeau J_Self-management and behaviour modification in COPD
2016_Benzo R_Health Coaching and COPD Rehospitalization
2016_Steurer-Stey C_COPD_Effectiveness of the living well with COPD intervention
2017_Steurer-Stey C_Effects of the Living well with COPD intervention in primary care
2018_Aboumatar H_Effect of a Program Combining Transitional Care and Long-term Self-management Support on Outcomes in COPD
2021_Strassmann A_Nationwide implementiation of the self-management program LWWCOPD
The communication about Sexuality (COSY)
2023_Steurer-Stey C_Development of a Communication Instrument to Address Sexuality in COPD
Guidelines & Recommendations
2020_NICE_COVID-19 rapid guideline-managing the long-term effects of COVID-19
2021_Funke-Chambour M_Swiss Recommendations for the Follow-Up and Treatment of Pulmonary Long COVID
2021_Koczulla AR_Leitlinie Post-COVID_Long-COVID
2023_WHO_Clinical management of COVID-19
BAG: Empfehlungen für Ärztinnen und Ärzte in der Grundversorgung bei einer Post-COVID-19-Erkrankung (Schweiz)
2023_Schorderet C_Base for Physiotherapeutic Treatment Recommendations for Long COVID-19 Patients
2022_Deutsche Gesellschaft für ME/CFS_Pacing
2022_Sommer N, Schmeck B_Pulmonale Manifestationen bei Long-Covid
2023_Iwasaki A, Putrino D_Why we need a deeper understanding of the pathophysiology of long COVID
2023_Turner S_Long COVID-pathophysiological factors and abnormalities of coagulation
Composite Autonomic Symptom Score
Hilz MJ_2021_Validation of the Composite Autonomic Symptom Score 31 in the German language
DePaul Symptom Questionnaire
Jason LA_2018_The Development of the DePaul Symptom Questionnaire
Fatigue Scale for Motor and Cognitive Functions (FSMC)
Penner IK_2009_The Fatigue Scale for Motor and Cognitivee Functions (FSMC)
Nijmegen Questionnaire
Nijmegen Questionnaire – Physiopedia
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
2021_Malmö POTS Score
2022_Spahic JM_Malmö POTS symptom score-Assessing symptom burden in POTS